Guidelines for 2025 Poster Presenters

The 2025 Beacon Conference will take place at Bergen Community College at a centeralized location on campus.

2025 Beacon Conference Poster Session Walk-Through

  • Each poster presenter will have a designated area in the designated area to display their posters. Tri-fold poster boards are preferred as they work best for display.
  • Conference attendees will be able to walk through and visit each display. Attendees often ask questions and engage with poster presenters about their works.
  • Unlike Session I, II and III concurrent panels, the Poster Session is non-competitive and poster presentations are not evaluated by a Judge. The Poster Session format affords presenters more informal opportunity to interact with interested conference participants.

How to Design a Poster

Think of your poster as a visual version of your paper abstract or a condensed overview of your project.

Generally, your poster will be effective if it has the following characteristics:

  • It provides a brief summary of your research
  • It conveys your message visually
  • It is readable on a computer screen
  • It is clearly organized

Poster Contents

Posters can vary significantly because of differences in discipline, research methodology, project complexity, aspects of the subject matter researched, etc. Successful posters usually include the following contents:

1. The Title of Research Project/Paper
2. The Research Question
3. The Thesis or Hypothesis
4. Background Information/Introduction
5. Main Findings/Insights
6. Conclusions/Significance of Work
7. References (for any sources used on the poster)

Design Tips:

  • Don’t crowd your material
  • Help your audience focus on individual chunks of information
  • Limit the number of fonts and colors
  • Use a consistent font size for all text except titles or headings (larger) and references and acknowledgments (smaller)
  • Use graphs or pictures if they summarize material effectively
  • Provide a title or descriptive phrase for graphs or pictures

Online Poster Resources